Durham Road
01254 703449
Iain Schofield
I am married with two young children, with the eldest having attended Avondale Primary School since 2015.
My wife is a teacher in a Primary School in Lancashire, which provides me with some insight into the world of Education.
I have worked in the Finance Industry since I left University in 2007, with my most recent experience in supporting large North West Corporate businesses.
I started as a governor in 2016 as I was keen to bring both my personal and professional insights to the role as Governor. In 2018/9 I became Vice Chair and then Chair in order to help Avondale achieve its ambitions and for the children to be able to thrive and achieve their potential in a safe, happy and well-structured environment.
Iain Schofield
Chair of Governors, Avondale Primary School, Darwen
Iain can be contacted via the school office.
Appointed -31/12/16
Appointed Chair - Summer 2019
Statutory Committees
Vice Chair of Resources
Chair of Standards & Effectiveness
Pay Committee
Designated Responsibility
Pupil Premium
Health & Safety
No business/financial interests declared