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At Avondale, we want our children to be proud of themselves, Avondale School and the community we serve.  Our school has a positive ethos which includes mutual respect, supportive relationships and encourages pupil voice. At Avondale School, we teach Personal, Social, Health Education as a whole-school approach to underpin children’s development as people and because we believe that this also supports their learning capacity.
PSHE provision at Avondale enables pupils to develop the skills, understanding, knowledge and attributes they need to become healthy, independent and responsible citizens of society in modern Britain. These skills and attributes help to prepare children for life in a diverse, developmental and ever-changing world. Provision is tailored to meet the needs of our pupils and address local, national and global priorities. PSHE is key to the promotion of the spiritual, moral, social, cultural (SMSC) as well as the mental and physical development of pupils at our school. The work we do in PSHE links directly to the Jigsaw Scheme of work. PSHE also flows through other curriculum areas and the everyday ethos of our school too.  


The Jigsaw Programme offers us a comprehensive, carefully thought-through Scheme of Work which brings consistency and progression to our children’s learning in this vital curriculum area. The overview of the programme can be seen on the school website.


This also supports the “Personal Development” and “Behaviour and Attitude” aspects required under the Ofsted Inspection Framework, as well as significantly contributing to the school’s Safeguarding and Equality Duties, the Government’s British Values agenda and the SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural) development opportunities provided for our children. 

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