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Reading for Pleasure at its Best

Today, some of our year 4 and 5 children and a few very excited teachers visited Westholme School in Blackburn to meet Dame Jacqueline Wilson who is one of Britain's bestselling and most beloved children's authors.

The children listened to Dame Jaqueline Wilson talk about how she became an author. She then spoke about her new book 'The Magic Faraway Tree-A new Adventure' which was inspired by the author Enid Blyton.

After a question and answer session, the children had their picture taken with Dame Jaqueline Wilson and received a signed copy of her book.

Of course, then came the opportunity to sit in the garden and begin reading their book whilst we waited for the coach home.

It was a wonderful experience for both children and teachers. A big thankyou to Westholme School for their hospitality.

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